Family Medicine Political Action Committee
The Family Medicine PAC is a voluntary political action committee that provides Michigan family physicians a strong voice in the state legislature and helps the MAFP in its efforts to impact both health policy and the overall practice environment for family physicians.
The Family Medicine PAC provides an opportunity to the members of the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians to collectively support candidates for public office in Michigan who are interested in, and supportive of, issues that serve to uphold the mission of the MAFP. The purpose of the Family Medicine PAC is to:
- Encourage family physicians to take a more active role in state government affairs.
- Assist family physicians in understanding activity in the Michigan legislature and its effect on them, their practice and their patients.
- Build awareness of MAFP among members of the legislature and help impact policy discussions with implications for family medicine.
The PAC collects member contributions into a single account and distributes them to candidates under the direction of the Family Medicine PAC Board, comprised entirely of MAFP members.
Support your Voice in Lansing by Contributing Today!
Contribute online by credit card** (MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express are accepted) below or download a contribution form. Copies of Family Medicine PAC reports are filed with the Michigan Department of State Bureau of Elections in Lansing, Michigan. If your practice is incorporated, Family Medicine PAC voluntary contribution checks should be written on personal checks.
Family Medicine PAC contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
**Note: You do NOT need to create a PayPal account to make a credit card payment online.
There are always several questions when it comes to what a political action committee is, what the Family Medicine PAC does, how to donate, what donations are used for, etc. To bring clarity to the Family Medicine PAC, we have compiled a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions about political action committees.
Still have more questions? Please contact Director of Government Affairs Christin Nohner at 517.664.9082.