Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

As stated by the AAFP, there's strong evidence that advice from a health care professional can more than double smoking cessation success rates. And research shows that patients are more satisfied with their health care if their primary care provider offers smoking cessation interventions – even if patients are not yet ready to quit.

In an effort to support family physicians who are taking a frontline approach to helping tobacco users quit or avoid starting, the AAFP provides valuable resources, including:

  • AAFP "Ask and Act" Practice Tool Kit
    The AAFP's tobacco cessation program, "Ask and Act," encourages you to ASK your patients about tobacco use, then to ACT to help them quit. Take advantage of the resources on this site to make your interventions with your patients who use tobacco even more effective.
  • Tar Wars
    Tar Wars is a tobacco-free education program for fourth- and fifth-grade students. The program is designed to teach children about the short-term health effects and image-based consequences of tobacco use, and about being tobacco free by providing them tools to make positive decisions regarding their health and promote personal responsibility for their well being.

Additional Resources

Legislative Information

Advocacy in Michigan