The Michigan Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) is excited to offer the latest in news and announcments from the Academy and our many partners, collaborators, colleagues, and friends. Whether it be communicating the latest updates in Family Medicine or raising awareness of the value and importance of Family Medicine to the general public, we are committed to the highest quality of news at your fingertips.
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News & Announcements

Michigan Family Physicians Are Integral to the State's Zika Virus Surveillance
Although the CDC has confirmed just four cases of Zika virus in Michigan, the arrival of warm weather and the uptick in summer-related travel increases the likelihood that Family Physicians will be faced with potential exposures. As with other public health crises, Family Physicians are integral to the surveillance of the Zika virus. Knowing the symptoms to watch for and what to do should you suspect a patient has the virus is critical to the health of that patient and your community.
Two Medical Students from Michigan Chosen for National Emerging Leader Institute
Congratulations to MAFP student members Jeanne Wigant (Madison Heights) and Taneev Escamilla (Detroit) on being selected through a competitive application process to participate in the AAFP Foundation's exclusive Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute.

Proposed MAPS Overhaul Takes Center Stage at Michigan Senate Health Policy Committee Hearing
The Michigan Senate Health Policy Committee heard testimony on May 24 from the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs regarding the proposed replacement of the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS), the state's electronic monitoring system created in 2003 to track the dispensing of controlled substances, schedule 2-5, from prescribers to patients.
Lower Than Expected Revenue Forecast Drives Final State Budget Negotiations
After receiving less than encouraging news on the state’s revenue forecast, legislative leaders have been engrossed in discussions about where to make the necessary cuts in the proposed budgets. With final targets in place, the conference committees are now convening to reconcile the chambers’ respective budget disparities with the hopes of finalizing a state budget by early June.
Medicaid Financing Proposal Passes State Senate Committee
Amidst a flurry of activity leading up to the summer legislative recess scheduled to begin next month, the Senate Michigan Competitiveness Committee approved, on May 25, an alternative to the much-bemoaned Health Insurance Claims Assessment Tax (HICA)—a broad-based tax on paid health claims that continues to be a thorny issue in Lansing.
On May 17, The House and Senate Health Policy Committees took up legislation focused on issues that MAFP has been closely monitoring in Lansing on behalf of members—requirements for reporting maternal deaths, changes to maintenance of certification, and prescription drug and opioid abuse.

New Overtime Pay Rule May Affect Millions of Healthcare Workers
On May 18, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a final rule that, effective December 1, doubles the salary threshold under which most employees are guaranteed overtime pay, increasing it to $47,476. This rule is expected to affect a total of 4.2 million workers across the country, including 100,000 in Michigan,

Michigan Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Elects New Officers and Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) Foundation—the philanthropic arm of the Michigan chapter of the Academy—held its Annual Meeting on May 11, during which members elected new officers and trustees for 2016-2017.

Michigan Delegates Write, Testify in Support of Resolutions at NCCL
Michigan's five delegates to the 2016 National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) took active roles in drafting and testifying on resolutions with their colleagues from across the country May 5-7. Resolution topics included eliminating patient satisfaction scores as a metric of quality healthcare, recognizing HIV/AIDS as a chronic disease, increasing the pipeline of underrepresented physicians to address diversity and inclusion, physician management of patient reviews on social media, and more.
MDHHS Supports Physician Efforts to Improve Immunization Service Delivery & Rates
Although vaccine-preventable diseases are at their lowest point ever, variations in coverage levels exist in all age groups, and pockets of under-immunized populations can be found in many urban and rural areas, particularly in those below the poverty level. In its efforts to help physicians and other healthcare professionals improve immunization service delivery, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is hosting training webinars on May 16 and May 20.