2014 Annual Meeting Brings Exciting Changes to MAFP
Since its inception in 2009, the MAFP Annual Meeting (formerly the Annual Meeting of Members or 'AMOM') has served as the platform for Family Physicians in the state to reflect on successes from the past year and identify the challenges that lie ahead. At the Annual Meeting, members assemble to examine proposed changes to MAFP policy and governance, elect new leadership, and debate issues that impact members.
The 2014 Annual Meeting, held July 18 in Lansing, included updates from Academy Leadership—President Fred J. Van Alstine, MD, MBA, and Chief Executive Officer Debra N. McGuire, MBA, IOM, CAE—as well as special guest speakers Jim Haveman, Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), and Reid Blackwelder, MD, FAAFP, President of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
In addition to the election of the 2014-15 Board of Directors and a presentation to award five Family Physicians the AAFP Degree of Fellow, members considered and approved a number of proposed changes to the MAFP Bylaws as well as eight (8) resolutions addressing issues such as advanced care planning and MAFP and AAFP policy on firearms. Some of the approved resolutions calling for American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) action will be taken to Washington, D.C. October 20-22 for the AAFP Congress of Delegates. To review the actions from the 2014 Annual Meeting, click here.
Five Family Physicians Awarded AAFP Degree of Fellow
- Marisa Abbo, DO, FAAFP
- Irma Parra, MD, FAAFP
- Jorge Plasencia, MD, FAAFP
- Joseph Polizzi, DO, FAAFP
- Srikar Reddy, MD, FAAFP
Member-Approved Changes to the Bylaws
Needed updates, corrections and changes to the Bylaws of the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians were approved by the quorum of members in attendance at the MAFP Annual Meeting, which convened on the afternoon on July 18, during the MAFP Annual Conference in Lansing.
Thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting, notice was provided to all current MAFP members, advising them of the proposed amendments to the MAFP Bylaws. The notice included a link to the Bylaws, which included proposed changes noted in red throughout the document. Members had the opportunity to extract any items from the consent agenda, under which the amendments were being considered. Previously, the MAFP Governance Committee, Bylaws Committee, and Board—along with staff and MAFP Legal Counsel—had reviewed and discussed changes to come to a consensus on the items being presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Although one item about reducing the size of the Board was extracted from the consent agenda and discussed, no changes were made to the proposed Bylaws at the Annual Meeting, and the membership voted to accept the amendments, as presented. To be in compliance with the American Academy of Family Physicians’ Bylaws, MAFP’s amended Bylaws must now be reviewed by the AAFP and are subject to change, as required to comply with AAFP guidelines. A final version of the updated Bylaws will be made available to MAFP members following AAFP’s review.
Key changes include:
- Governance:
- The MAFP Board shall be composed of 11 Directors. Up to six shall be elected for a two-year term at each Annual Meeting; a Director may be re-elected for two additional 2-year terms. After three terms, at least two years must have elapsed before being eligible to serve again (unless appointed to fill a vacancy).
- The Treasurer shall be elected for a 2-year term every other year, and may be re-elected for a second 2-year term.
- The position of Immediate Past President shall be referenced as Chair.
- The positions of Vice Treasurer and Vice Speaker have been eliminated.
- Non-voting Board members are residents who are not the resident member with voting privileges and the Chief Executive Officer.
- Component Chapters: The charter of a component chapter may be suspended or revoked by the MAFP Board in the event of any action deemed to be in conflict with the letter or intent of the MAFP Bylaws, or in the event of the component chapter’s failure to comply with all of the requirements of the Bylaws or with any lawful requirement of the MAFP Annual Meeting, Board or Officers.
- Membership: Dues and assessments for all membership classifications shall be established by the Board, but active member dues shall not exceed any maximum amount that may be established, from time to time, by majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
- Financials: An audit shall be conducted every five years, with a review being conducted each year between audits by an approved CPA.
Questions about the Annual Meeting or Bylaws may be directed to Debra McGuire, MAFP Chief Executive Officer, at dmcguire@mafp.com.
Resolutions Approved
- Resolution No. 1 – “End of Life Care Planning A” – Fred J. Van Alstine, MD, MBA
This resolution expands existing MAFP policy on advanced directives, including calling on the Department of Community Health (DCH) to develop a standard Durable Power of Attorney Form (DPOA) and legislation that provides for statutory recognition of Physician Orders Scope of Treatment forms (POLST) and Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNR) that are binding on medical and emergency personnel.
- Resolution No. 2 – “End of Life Care Planning B” – Fred J. Van Alstine, MD, MBA
This resolution calls on the AAFP to implement a centralized registry, like Michigan’s Peace of Mind registry, and support policies that encourage the use of these registries as well as expanded public access to the registries.
- Resolution No. 3 – “Aligning AAFP Firearm Related Policies with Other National Medical Organizations & Prevention of Gun Violence” – Jerry Walden, MD, FAAFP and Anne Kittendorf, MD, FAAFP
This resolution reaffirms MAFP policy (as aligned with AAFP) on laws governing firearms, including policy on safe gun storage and health plan data collection on firearms in homes.
- Resolution No. 4 – “Prevention of Gun Violence” – Jerry Walden, MD, FAAFP and Anne Kittendorf, MD, FAAFP
This resolution specifically calls on the MAFP to take a more active leadership role on firearm legislation and enforcement of existing firearm laws in accordance with MAFP/AAFP policy.
- Resolution No. 5 – “Rapid Diagnostic Testing in the Community Pharmacy” – MAFP Advocacy Committee
This resolution reaffirms existing action being taken by MAFP to oppose the Rapid Diagnostic Testing program and work with appropriate partners to discontinue the program, among other things. This resolution mirrors the resolution approved unanimously at the Michigan State Medical Society’s House of Delegates.
- Resolution No. 6 – “Hospice and Medicare Part D Coverage for Patient Medications – Ed Jackson, MD, FAAFP
This resolution calls on the AAFP to work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make the process of obtaining ongoing medications for a patient’s chronic medical condition, which are not related to a terminal illness diagnosis, a less stressful and simpler process.
- Resolution No. 7 – “Dissolution of Saginaw Component Chapter” – Robert E. Reneker, Jr.
This resolution revokes the charter of the Saginaw Component Chapter.
- Resolution No. 8 – “Oppose Attempts by Health Plans to Limit Certain Procedures Provided by Primary Care Physicians” – Robert Jackson, MD, MMM
This resolution amends current MAFP policy, calling for the Academy to oppose attempts by health plans to limit the scope of family physicians and calls on the AAFP to take similar action on the national level.